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Damaged Bug - Cold Hot Plumbs - Vinyl

Damaged Bug - Cold Hot Plumbs - Vinyl

Regular price $28.00 USD
Regular price $22.98 USD Sale price $28.00 USD
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John Dwyer has a surprise… While everyone eagerly anticipates the next Oh Sees record, he’s been working tirelessly in his synth laboratory, hand-crafting a followup to last year’s neon-noir Damaged Bug debut—one that shakes up the snow globe considerably.  
If Hubba Bubba was a brush with a robotic exoskeleton on deep-space patrol, Cold Hot Plumbs visits the alien world that sent it into the cosmos. Lush, textural and psychedelic, the songs breathe with a otherworldly sadness and heart. Barbed, sophisticated arrangements flower in every direction. The vintage-perfect sound palette would be window dressing if not for the songs themselves: fresh, vital, and above all catchier than the flu. Cold Hot Plumbs is a strange, beautiful, and oddly infectious addition to Dwyer’s oeuvre, and not one to be missed.
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